English Competence of the Non-English Subject Teachers

Joan B. Gallaron

This study was conducted to determine the English competence of the non-English subject teachers of the College of Education, High School, and Grade School of the Liceo de Cagayan University. The study identified the respondents’ levels of English proficiency along the following topics: subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, noun-adjective agreement, and writing mechanics. Also, the study determined any significant differences in the levels of English proficiency of the respondents when grouped by educational qualification, attendance at seminars/workshops/conferences, and teaching experience. As found out, majority of the respondents were non-master’s degree holders, very few attended seven or more seminars/workshops/conferences, and half taught for more than eleven years. The grammar test revealed that a good number of the respondents did better in subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and noun-adjective agreement. However, a good number of them did poorly in writing mechanics. When grouped by their profile, the respondents did not significantly differ in their levels of English proficiency. It is recommended that the teachers should be given English retooling sessions to further enhance their English proficiency for a more effective classroom communication.


Keywords - english competence, F-Test, grammatical skills, descriptive research design, Philippines

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