The Competency Level on Safe Administration of Medications and Quality Nursing Care among the Selected Graduating Students

Ma. Chona V. Palomares, Judith T. Dalman, Jofi V. Mahilum

The study aimed to determine the competency level on safe administration of medications among the selected graduating students of Region X. This study utilized the descriptive correlational research design. The respondents comprised 246 graduating students assigned in one of the affiliating centers of the College of the Nursing, Region X and 45 clinical instructors supervising the fourth year level. The purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of the respondents. The weighted mean and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used. Results rewarded that the indicator of demonstrating safe care on administration of medication was rated very good. A very good competency level was also exhibited by the graduating nursing students on the aspect of sound decision making in care delivered. In terms of demonstrating safe medication administration, seven (7) parameters were rated to a very high competency level, namely: right drug, right dose, right patient, right route, right time and documentation. A moderate level of competency was established on patients’ history, drug-to-drug interaction, allergies, high alert drugs, and infection control. In conclusion, the over-all competency level on safe administration of medications is rated very good by both the clinical instructors and nursing students. However, the only indicator that is rated good is on the plan of care. The dominant competencies demonstrated by the graduating nursing students are the parameters of safe administration of medications are in terms of drug, dose, patient, route, time, documentation and approach. The affective domain on the proper demonstration of safe medication obtained the highest emphasis on academic instructions. The affective domain is the dominant focus in the clinical instruction specifically on developing the students’ value of safe care.


Keywords -  Competency  Level,  Safe  Administration  of  Medication,  Academic Instruction, Clinical Instruction


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