Number of Delivery Room Scrubs as Competency Measure and Requirement for the Nurse Licensure Examination

Teresita Sy Sinda, Chanell Jan C Concepcion, Florenda Cabatit, Ma. Chona V Palomares, Donna Lou E Neri

This research determined the level of competency in deliveries handled, deliveries assisted, and initial newborn care among students who have done the procedure the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and the 5th time. It provides evidence as to whether the number of scrubs required by the PRC is an appropriate measure of competency. Utilizing direct observation method, this study had a total of 158 participants chosen in a nonrandom manner. Data were collected in two sites – Silliman University in the Visayas and Liceo de Cagayan University in Mindanao. A Delivery Room Checklist was used to assess the competency of the DR scrubs. The students achieved very satisfactory competence level on the third delivery handle, satisfactory rating on the third delivery assist, and very satisfactory rating on the third initial care of new born. The competency level is achieved on the third delivery room scrub, therefore, only three delivery room scrubs should be required for Nurse Licensure Examination.


Key words – Delivery room scrubs, competency measures for delivery room scrub.

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