Utilization of Maternal Care Services among Health Facilitites in Impasugong, Bukidnon

Leonie Galido Quijano Baula

The study aimed at determining the current status of utilization of maternal care services among Barangay Health Stations in Impasugong, Bukidnon. The study utilized the random sampling technique in the selection of the respondents in this study. The multiple regression analysis revealed that there is a significant association between some of independent variables (preferred delivery attendant, complications experienced during childbirth and preferred place of delivery) and maternal health care services used in Impasugong. Further, the simple relationship between maternal health care utilization and its factors (social, economic and demographic) showed significant relationship of the use of prenatal care, place of delivery and assistance during delivery. Although delivery is mostly normal and some experienced complications during pregnancy, yet some suffered complications during childbirth. Most of the respondents utilized the barangay health facilities for prenatal but low in the utilization of Barangay Health Facilities during the stage of labor. The variables with significant relations are total family income, occupation, place of residence and civil status. That education was found to have an important impact on the use of maternal health services suggests that improving educational opportunity for women may have a large impact on improving utilization of such services. Women at higher parity levels were found to be less likely to have deliveries assisted by modern professionals implies that parity should be one of the criteria for targeting education campaigns in the benefits of safe motherhood programs. Highly recommended measures to improve services are: quality of health workers, development of basic health care facilities and building intervention programs such as better maternal health care, delivery by skilled birth attendant identification of high risk pregnancies and complications, and provision of a good referral system.


Keywords - Maternal Care Services, Barangay Health Station, Skilled Birth Attendant, Place of Delivery, Assistance during Delivery


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