Degree of Suspicion of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) among the Employees of MSU-IIT

Jan Igor T. Galinato

This study focused on the degree of suspicion of peripheral artery disease (PAD) among the employees of Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology. As to the demographic profile of the respondents, majority were 50 years old and above, female; had heredo-familial disease with hypertension as the most common; had an unhealthy lifestyle with alcoholism as the most common; and had a normal body mass index. As to the degree of suspicion of peripheral artery disease, majority had a mild degree of suspicion for the development of PAD on both their left and right lower extremities, based on their left and right ankle brachial indices, respectively. As to the significant relationship between demographic profile and degree of suspicion of having PAD: considering the Left ABI, age, gender, and heredo-familial disease on diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension(HPN), cardiac diseases are significant; lifestyle on alcoholism, irregular exercise, and high fat diet were also significant. Considering the Right ABI, gender and heredo-familial diseases on cardiac diseases were significant; lifestyle on smoking, alcoholism, irregular exercise, and high fat diet are also significant. As to the significant difference of Left ABI and Right ABI: considering the Left ABI, age, gender, and heredo-familial diseases on DM, HPN, and cardiac disease have significant difference; lifestyle on alcoholism, exercise, and diet also have significant difference. Considering the Right ABI, gender, heredo- familial disease on cardiac disease, lifestyle on alcoholism, exercise, and diet have significant difference.


Keywords - peripheral artery disease, demographic profile


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