Public Opinion on Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act

Joshua Adrian S. Cericos, Dennis Jay A. Paras

The study is about the opinion of the public on Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act. It sought answers to the following: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and educational attainment? 2. What is the opinion of the respondents on juvenile justice and welfare act in terms of nature of the youth offenders, principles in the administration of juvenile justice and welfare, minimum age of criminal responsibility, role of different sectors in the prevention of juvenile delinquency, treatment of children below the age of criminal responsibility, offenses not applicable to children, and proposed amended house bill no. 002? 3. Is there a significant difference in the opinion of the respondents on Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act when grouped according to the demographic profile? The study used quantitative and descriptive analysis of data, which used a researcher-made questionnaire to gather data. The study found out that the majority of the respondents are females. They belong to a young age bracket and are educated.  
Keywords: Juvenile Justice, Welfare Act, youth offenders


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