Determinants of the Level of Cultural Adjustments of Korean Students

Glenzen Paul Galupo, Hilly Grace Ludiana, Joan Orang

This study was conducted to determine the level of cultural adjustments of Korean students in Liceo de Cagayan University. The researchers formulated questionnaire on the basis of the 16 Personality Factor Test but we narrowed them down to 5 factors. The test was administered to 9 Korean students of Liceo de Cagayan University. The researchers used the descriptive survey to gather the data needed. Weighted mean and Pearson Product Moment were used. The analyses gave the following results: Korean students in LCDU were found to be average in extraversion (66.7%), anxiety (88.9%), and self-control (77.8%). More than half (66.7%) of the respondents were quite high in tough-mindedness. However, all of them were found to be low in independence and roughly sixty-six percent (66.4%) of the respondents were found to possess high tough-mindedness. As regards to the level of adjustment of Korean students in LDCU in terms of language, education, social interaction, and clothing, they found it hard to adjust to the Filipino language. As far as education is concerned, the respondents registered a moderate level of adjustment. The respondents’ social adjustment was moderate as indicated by a desire to interact more with fellow Koreans than with their Filipino classmates and friends. The respondents’ adjustment to clothing was high. Their answers indicated a strong liking to the Filipino fashion sense. It revealed that there are determinants towards their cultural adjustments in language and education.


Keywords: Social Psychology, cultural adjustment, Korean students, descriptive design, Philippines



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