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Author Guidelines


The Advancing Literature & Communication Research is a national peer reviewed research journal published by Liceo de Cagayan University, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. The journal is published once a year. For paper submission, the paper must be an original copy, about 4,000 words, double-spaced, and with appropriately formatted tables and Figures. The research abstract must have 200 words and at least 5 keywords or phrases.

Manuscript Preparation

1. Organize the paper following these major headings: Title, Author(s) and address(es), Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods for experimental study or Methodology for non-experimental study, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgment, and Literature Cited. The Literature Cited should substantially consist of articles published in current content-covered or peer-reviewed journals.


2. Type the entire manuscript double-spaced on a short white bond paper (8.5x11in) on one side only with 2.5 cm margins all around using a Times New Roman font size of 12 References, Acknowledgments, Table Titles, and Figure Legends should be typed double-spaced or numbered consecutively on all pages including title page, Figures, and tables.


3. Leave two spaces before and after the major headings and two spaces before and after the sub-headings. Do not use footnotes rather use endnotes if required by the discipline.


4. Spell out acronyms or unfamiliar abbreviations when these are mentioned for the first time in the text.


5. Write the scientific names of species completely with author(s) when it is first mentioned in the text and without author in succeeding references. Scientific names should be written in italics or bold face.


6. Do not spell out numbers unless they are used to start a sentence.


7. Use the metric system only or the International System of Units. Use abbreviations of units only beside numerals (e.g. 6 m); otherwise, spell out the units (e.g. kilometers from here). Do not use plural forms or periods for abbreviations of units. Use the bar for compound units (e.g. 1 kg/ha/yr). Place a zero before the decimal in numbers less


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


ISSN: 2094-9642