SBOconnect: An Information Management System for Student Body Organization
SBOconnect is a proposed study that will help build an effective information management system for Student Body Organization in Liceo de Cagayan University. The designed software will serve as a more reliable and efficient means of paying activity fees and fines, thus removing all forms of delay and stress that is involved in the manual system of the Student Body Organization. The proposed system aims to achieve the following; to effectively and efficiently process a student’s activity fees and fines payment, thus providing a reliable and transparent system. The implementation of the web-based system was carried out using HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP languages and MYSQL database. As a result, the system will help enhance the payment system of fees without any inch to give room for accuracy and transparency, making the officers save time and effort at the same time improve their productivity. An information management system is an essential tool for creating a better decision in the organization. It is also used to generate the report with the help of advanced technology having maximum characteristics of useful information.
Keywords: Information Management System, Attendance, Student Organization, Mobile