Gliricidia Sepium (Madre De Cacao) Leaves and Oryza Sativa (Rice Straws) as an Alternative Ripening Agents to Selected Climacteric Fruits
Ripening process plays a significant role in different fields like agriculture and some microeconomic businesses. There have been a lot of studies and researches involving ripening agents of various kinds in application to subjected fruits. This study is somehowdivergent from the preceding researches and study because it mainly focuses on thecomparison between two distinct ripening agents, Madre de Cacao, and Rice straw. Thestudy made use of Descriptive observational research design or “quasi-experimental” design.The ripening agents applied separately with the same mass on climacteric fruits, namelyAvocado, Banana, Apple Mango, and Papaya. The observations were based on the specificfruits that ripened easily by a particular ripening agent in correspondence with time-period.The research found out that the capability and the effectiveness of the ripening agent to ripena particular subject within a period depends on the type of climacteric fruit on which it couldbe applied.
Keywords: gliricidia sepium, oryza sativa, ripening agents, ripening, climacteric fruitsRefbacks
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