Juvenile Delinquents and Crimes in Barangay Carmen from January 2014 to December 2016

Rica Mae T. Gopez, Yasser A. Magdara, Dyan D. Nacua

The study was conducted to determine whether there have been changes in the Crime Rates of the Juveniles from January 2014 - December 2016. The study is a quantitative analysis of data. Specifically, it would be an archival research using a specialized statistical tool to come up with a breakdown. There are no research respondents to this study. It would analyze the data gathered on juvenile crimes, according to the records of Police Station 4 in Barangay Carmen. The researchers gathered data at the Police station 4 in Barangay Carmen, after asking a permission from the Station Commander by explaining the nature and purpose of the study through a letter signed by the dean and adviser. Based on the results of the data gathered, the findings show that the juveniles commit crimes in various age ranges. Gender is a significant factor in understanding juvenile delinquency. The crimes committed by the youth offenders vary in terms of the type of crimes. Time and period of the year also affect the commission of crimes by the juveniles. The higher the age of the juveniles alters become active and exposed to the society, the higher the tendency that they commit transgressions of the existing laws. The usual crimes committed by the juveniles have relation to material things and social relations with peer groups.

Keywords: appropriateness, inappropriateness, cartoon shows


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