Level of Well-being and Academic Engagement of select University Students: An Assessment

Ivan Strauss Castillon, Joanna Rizza P. Binias

The study looked at the well-being and academic engagement of fifty (50) students at a university. Data were collected and evaluated using a questionnaire. It was created or adopted by the researcher. Pearson Correlation was used in the study to see if there was a link between student engagement and well-being levels. The study discovered that there is a high level in Cognitive dimension that the respondent’s internal investment in the learning process includes their non-visible features or inner psychological qualities that encourage them to put in the effort to study, grasp, and master the knowledge or skills that emphasized in their academic success. There is a high degree of engagement in the Behavioral component, which refers to the observable act of students participating in learning and achieving academic objectives. The study also discovered that academic achievement is directly and substantially associated with behavioral involvement. Lastly, the result showed a highly significant association between the respondent’s well-being and academic engagement. Overall, the study discovered that emotional well-being correlated positively with academic achievement.

Keywords: Well-being; Student’s Academic Engagement; Well-being - Implications on Student’s Academic Engagement


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