The Effect of Ipomoea batatas (Sweet Potato) Leaves Decoction on the Platelet Count of Male Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)

Claudette V. Barete, Arlen May T. Bilang, Marichelle Joy P. Cuizon, Linamae G. Melicor, Norseda S. Solaiman

This study sought to determine the effect of sweet potato leaves decoction on the platelet count of male rabbits. The output of this study was intended to benefit the community especially those in thrombocytopenia crisis. One and twenty-five grams per ten milliliters was administered orally within a period of three days to the experimental group for three times a day. The negative group did not receive anything at all. Prior to the start of the experiment complete blood count was performed in all male rabbits. As for the comparison between experimental and negative group, there is no significant difference in the change of platelet count before and after the administration of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) leaves decoction to the experimental group. The lesser amount mean difference between the groups though showed an increase in platelet count but not significant enough.

Keywords: Sweet potato, platelet count, male rabbit

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