Experiences of Men with Andropause

Waffy Mawarao, Michelle Reine Mercado, Kenneth Mitra, Nicole Sabanal, Christopher Tabaco, Sheena Vivien Vista, Jofi V. Mahilum

The study attempted to a) describe the profile of the male respondents in terms of age, type of work , civil status, and monthly income; b) the male respondent’s problem encountered and their coping mechanisms; c) The ranking of the problem identified by the respondents; d) and also the ranking of the coping mechanisms used by the respondents. The research design employed in the study was a qualitative-descriptive research design because it dealt with the male respondent’s problems encountered and coping mechanisms used for experiencing andropause. According to Polit and Beck (2004) a descriptive survey design, aims to observe, analyze and document aspects situation as it actually occurs. The study was done in on close relatives of the each member. A preliminary survey was done by the researcher by doing house to house visits and interviews in some of our relatives since the survey talks about the sexuality and highly sensitive aspects of being a man. The respondents consist of twelve (12) male respondents who were chosen through the purposive sampling technique. The criteria of selection were: a) they are 50-65 years old; b) must be professional; c) and experiences early symptoms of andropause. The researchers used an interview set of questions which gathered pertinent data that shed on the objective of the study. The researchers asked consent from the respondent to participate on the study and ensured them of their anonymity. The data gathering began after the Barangay Captain approved the request to conduct the study with an endorsement from the Research Adviser and Dean, College of Nursing. The data were presented in the matrix format, percentage, and ranked frequencies. The male respondents have different coping mechanisms on dealing with their problems that they encountered in their late adulthood. The majority of the respondents practicing good coping mechanisms they are comfortable of their situation and accepting things as one of the physiological changes that are normal for their ages. However some was experiencing depression the said situation they are into. The significant practice that the respondents doing was they don’t let the changes overrule their lives. They remain positive all through out of their lives they remain cheerful and strong for the sake of their family members.

Keywords - Andropause, Psychological, Social, Adaptive, Coping, Mechanisms, Experiences


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