Escherichia Coli Analysis of Reconstituted Coconut Water Sold by Street Vendors

Kevin Jake Auguis, Rose Jean Boje, Jaria Polog, Jenny Reyes, Jinky Reyes

The study assessed the quality of reconstituted coconut water sold along Vamenta and R.N Boulevard. The researchers used the experimental design, which focused on the Escherichia coli analysis of the reconstituted coconut water samples collected from three street vendors along Vamenta and R.N. Pelaez Boulevard. Results revealed that high content of E. coli were observed in all submitted samples. Samples taken from Vendor 2 consistently had the highest MPN values for E. coli. Hence, the MPN index of E. coli in the samples is indicative of pronounced contamination with Vendor 2 as the most contaminated and Vendor 3 the least. These results revealed the presence of significant microbial contamination in the reconstituted coconut water samples, making it necessary to intensify sanitary inspection of sidewalk vendors selling these beverages and making owners aware of the importance of employing good manufacturing practice in the production of their product. It is also important to mention the duty of the surveillance authorities to create stricter microbial standards of coconut water sold for immediate consumption in sidewalks and reinforce regular assessment and monitoring among them, to ensure a safer product for consumers.


Keywords: Microbiology, reconstituted coconut water, Escherichia coli, microbial contamination, experimental design, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines



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