Effectiveness of Eucalyptus Deglupta (Eucalyptus) Leaves Extract as Larvicide Agent

Raymond M. Salvador

Dengue fever has been very prevalent in Iligan City. In the region, Cagayan de Oro has the most cases among other cities with 75 and is followed by Iligan City relative to the tallied cases. The study was conducted to prevent dengue outbreak in the locality using resources commonly found in the region. In this study the researcher used oviposition traps, designed to collect mosquito eggs. The Eucalyptus deglupta (Eucalyptus) leaves extract was used as the experimental subject to be tested as an ovicide agent to prevent the collected eggs from hatching. Having a p-value of 0.000, the null hypothesis was rejected, hence we can conclude that the Eucalyptus deglupta (Eucalyptus) leaves extract is an effective ovicide agent in oviposition traps. However, a further study is needed in order to develop its potential as a larvicidal agent.

Keywords: Ovitrap, Essential Oil, Eucalyptus, Dengue, Iligan City

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