Job-Related Stress among Employees of Social Security System- Cagayan de Oro Processing Center (CDO PC)

Leizl O. Mercado

Job-Related Stress happens when there is an over-power on the demands of work environment than the coping abilities of the employee. The purpose of this study was to assess the job-related stress of SSS CDO PC employees. There were 28 respondents out of 31 employees who responded to the survey. Descriptive statistics was used frequency distribution in determining the profile of respondents, and correlation for the relationship between the variables. Overall, the results showed that the respondents experience moderate amount of job-related stress in terms of work overload, time pressure and long hours. The relationship between stress levels in terms of work overload, time pressure and long hours when grouped according to status and stress levels in terms of long hours when grouped according to the educational qualification are found to be significant. The status of an employee can influence the levels of his stress in terms of work overload, time pressure and long hours and at the same time, his educational qualification can influence his stress levels in terms of long hours.


Keywords: Stress, Job-Related Stress, Work Overload, Time Pressure, Long Hours

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