Entrepreneurial Tendencies of Senior College Students of Liceo de Cagayan University

Grace v. Santos, Redemtor F. Santos

Students’ entrepreneurial tendencies are affected by different factors. The entrepreneurial intention is found to determine students’ willingness to engage in entrepreneurial behavior in the future, which is considered an important solution to employment difficulty of university graduates. The main objective for this study was to examine how personal factor, motivation factor, and school factors influence entrepreneurial tendencies of senior college students of Liceo de Cagayan University. There were 338 senior college students from 12 colleges of the university who participated in the study. Multiple Linear Regression was used to determine which of the motivation and school factors and motivation have a significant influence on the respondents’ entrepreneurial tendency. The data revealed that school factor and motivation has a significant influence. There is a perceived extent of influence on the importance of educational institution in forming a person’s attitude toward entrepreneurship, particularly teachers, when applying the right combination of pedagogy and infrastructure can play a pivotal role in providing and developing motivation in their students. School support is perceived as significant by allowing the student to carry out entrepreneurial activities freely, without excessive restrictions. Overall, school factors have a great extent of influence on entrepreneurial tendency.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, education, tendencies, Millennial, motivation, attitude