Perceived Effects of Gender Discrimination on Employees’ Performance and Productivity

Patrick James D. Boborol

Gender Discrimination is, unfortunately, a very common issue not just in the business world, but also with general humankind. This is because not all people have the mentality of equality. With that in mind, this study aims to investigate the perceived or probable effects of  gender discrimination on employees’ performance and productivity, within the Senior High School Offices of Liceo De Cagayan University, during the calendar year 2018 – 2019. Descriptive and Quantitative research designs were used. The study found that the majority of the faculty members were relatively young, single, female, and holders of Bachelor of Science degrees. The study also found that sexual harassment, salaries and compensation, and hiring, the participants disagreed that there was gender discrimination found in the workplace, while in terms of the perceived lack of opportunities for promotion, the participants believed that there was a general feeling that gender discrimination was present, if only subtle. Furthermore, the study established that the indicators for sexual harassment, salaries, and compensation, in the hiring process and the lack of opportunities for promotion do not often happen in the workplace of the participants. Furthermore, the study found that there is a significant relationship between Sexual Harassment and Monthly Income, and Compensation with age and educational attainment. This would suggest that although the participants have not voiced their opinion on the gender discrimination, especially in opportunities for promotion, middle and upper management should take this as a point of emphasis and something to build on as a structure for them to give attention to.


Keywords: gender discrimination, sexual harassment, monthly income, compensation, hiring