Fixed Asset Acquisition and Management System of Liceo de Cagayan University

Annie Rose M Deloso

Fixed Asset Acquisition and Management System is a proposed system study that is able to cater an automated transaction on all fixed assets’ process. The current system lacks the search or view applications. Also, the system is not capable of monitoring or tracking the status of a used asset within a span of time. It cannot determine if a certain asset needs to be replaced with new one or needs to be maintained. The proposed system is capable of monitoring the specific location, person liable for the fixed asset, condition, depreciating value and asset life, date of procurement and detail of the fixed asset. It can then generate a report regarding the fixed asset transaction and salvage value and maintenance. This system study will provide a complete fixed asset management suite with an intuitive interface that’s easy to implement, learn, and use. The system will facilitate monitoring, reporting, analysis, and accounting of fixed asset activities.


Keywords­ - Fixed Asset Management, Fixed Asset, Real Asset Management