Level of Incidence of Lascivious Acts Committed Among Women in the Streets of Cagayan de Oro City

Julymer B. Agad, Garylou P. Garylou P. Aningga, Muhammad L. Asu, Mitche An D. Romero

The study was limited to lascivious acts committed to women in the streets of Cagayan de Oro City. The independent variables are age, dress style/fashion, educational attainment, lifestyle, and personality. The dependent variable was the level of incidence of lascivious acts committed on women on the streets. There were 106 respondents come from various areas namely Vamenta Blvd., Chavez St. and Max Suniel St. Both of are all located in Cagayan de Oro City. The study used various statistical techniques. F-test and T-test were used to test the null hypothesis. Weighted mean was used to determine the level of incidence of sexual harassment among women on streets. Majority of the espondents’ age (84 or 79.25%) are 18-20, in terms of dress style, most of the respondents are wearing school uniform, for educational attainment, the majority (76 or 71.70%) in college level, as to lifestyle, the majority (69 or 65.09%) with no nightlife, as to personality, the majority (79 or 74.53%) conservative. The level of incidence of lascivious acts as perceived by the respondents regarding verbal; the overall mean (1.71) verbally described as never. The level of incidence of lascivious acts as perceived by the respondents regarding of non-verbal; the overall mean (1.77) verbally described as seldom. The level of incidence of lascivious acts as perceived by the respondents regarding physical; the overall mean (1.43) verbally described as never. There is no significant difference in the level of incidence of lascivious acts committed in the streets as perceived by the respondents in terms of age, dress style/fashion, educational attainment, and personality, while there is a significant difference in the level of incidence of sexual harassment in the streets as perceived by the respondents regarding lifestyle.


Keywords: Level of incidence of lascivious  acts, Women, dress style / fashion, personality.


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