The Effect of Peperomia pellucida (Shiny Bush) Leaf Crude Extract on the Body Temperature of Boiled Milk-Induced Male White Mice

Hidaya S. Ali, Christea E. Caballero, Nabela G. Maunting, Ma.Josefina S. Patricio, Lara Dominique D. Reyes

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Peperomia pellucida Crude leaf extract on the boiled milk-induced body temperature of male white mice. The statistical results showed that the reductions in the mean induced body temperatures of the experimental group and positive control group after the administration of the treatments were not statistically significant.  It was found out that the Shiny bush crude extract does not have any antipyretic potential. The paracetamol solution was able to lower the induced body temperature of the research subjects, thereby displaying great antipyretic activity. This was expected since paracetamol is a drug commonly used to lower the body temperature.


Keywords: Peperomia pellucida, body temperature, antipyretic potential, experimental design, Philippines


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