Consumer’s Perspective, Attitude, and Compliance on the Prescribed Antibiotics

Ma. Antonette F. Alejado, Vanessa Mae E. Arabala, Angelica Elaine B. Olarte, Cende Grace D. Rañoa, Aiame Marie L. Taping, Doreen D. Amarante

The study aimed to determine the level of perspective in terms of knowledgeand belief, attitude in terms of experience and preference, and compliancetowards antibiotics, as well as to identify correlations between the variables. Thedescriptive correlational method was used and was conducted among the first tothird-year pharmacy students of Liceo de Cagayan University. Questionnaires weredistributed to 140 participants enrolled in the second semester of the academicyear 2020-2021. Findings showed that with correct perspective in terms of theirbelief and knowledge of antibiotics provides a more compliant consumer. On theother hand, attitude in terms of their experience and preference doesn’t have asignificant correlation with compliance. The majority has the right perspective,participants have no determining experience that affects their compliance resulting,in an undetermined attitude, and compliance gained an average of 4.15, makingthe majority compliant to the prescribed antibiotic. Concluding, compliance isaffected by their perspective on the antibiotic, and attitude was deemed to have nosignificant correlation with compliance. Findings showed that there is a significantrelationship between perspective and compliance. The health care system,pharmacists, and medical colleges should focus on educating people of the effectsand appropriate use of antibiotics.

Keywords: consumer perspective, consumer attitude, antibiotic, compliance,adherence

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