Biodiversity Assessment and Functions of Secondary Forest Ecosystems in Eden and Dibibi, Quirino, Philippines

Ryan P. Manuel, Romnick L. Pascual, Joel G. Carig, Elizabeth T. Carig

This paper is preliminary part of a long-term and comprehensive monitoring of forest resources in Eden and Dibibi, Quirino  Province. The general aim was to present various biodiversity  values and functions of trees. Pilot quadrat sampling was used to  yield preliminary data on  canopy composition and undergrowth tree species. For purposes of the long-term assessment, canopy trees are those individuals having 20cm dbh and higher; undergrowth having <20cm dbh. Various indices were utilized to measure and compare forest strata, diversity, morphology and physiognomy. Species Importance  Values and Carbon sequestration formulas were used to glean the functionality of canopy trees. Both forest sites resemble Tropical Lowland Evergreen- and Semi-Evergreen Rainforest formations. General diversity is moderate (H’Eden=2.65; H’Dibibi=2.26) and species composition is heterogeneous (βcc=0.745). At least 18.75% of canopy and undergrowth species are found endemic to the Philippines. Jaccard and Sorenson Indices on forests (collectively and individually) denote that canopy and undergrowth layers are dissimilar. Estimates of AGB and Carbon storage fall below the per-hectare  figures given in authoritative literatures. The forests, have ecological and economic potentials. However, only species that abundant in number can be expected to be resilient to disturbances. Other observations can be used as bases for community-based rehabilitation and conservation.


Keywords: Secondary Forest, Biodiversity, Importance Value, Carbon Storage, Cabarroguis, QFL

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