Assessment Practices in Relation to Student’s Multiple Intelligences

Franzelle Mae G. Lignes, Ricca Stephanie E. Oco, Richelle G. Benting, Charmaine A. De La Cruz, Cherie Mae C. Olegario

This study aimed to determine the multiple intelligences of the students. This study used the descriptive-correlational design with documentary analysis. A modified questionnaire checklist copyrighted from The One and Only Surf aquarium Multiple Intelligences Inventory from Walter McKenzie (1999-2013) was used in determining the assessment practices of the teachers and the multiple intelligences of the students. Documentary analysis was used to find out the assessment tools used by the teachers and the dominant multiple intelligence of the student. The results showed that paper-pencil test and rubrics were the assessment practices frequently used by the teachers. The respondents had a moderate level of intelligence in terms of naturalist, linguistic. The year-level, major and civil status had no significant relationship on the multiple intelligence, however, gender cause a significant relationship on the multiple intelligence. The assessment practices of the teachers had a significant relationship on the multiple intelligence .Based on the significant findings the paper-pencil test under the traditional mode of assessment while the used of rubrics for the alternative form of assessment were identified. The respondents had a typical level of intelligence. Gender had a significant bearing on the multiple intelligences.


Keywords: Assessment Practices, Multiple Intelligences



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