Self-Efficacy An Assessment in Relation to Academic Performance

Milven Batol, Algae Macad, Michael Palma, Naomi Tuvilla, Jenny Yungod

The present study is conducted with the aim of investigating the rate of self-efficacy’s impact on students’ academic performance among education students in Liceo de Cagayan University which is run on the basis of descriptive correlation method. The data collection tools consist of two parts: The first one is the respondents’ profile which contains their name, age, gender, year level and course major and the second part is the general self-efficacy scale. The study revealed that the participants have high level of self-efficacy and their level of academic performance is above average. The data was analyzed by Spearman Correlation Coefficient test and the gained results indicated that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between students’ self-efficacy and their academic performance at very high, optimum, low, and very low level. It was proven that the students’ profile has nothing to do with their self-efficacy and academic performance but their confidence in their abilities in completing a task will help them build a high sense of self-efficacy that will result to high academic performance. The study recommended that students should put high degree of effort to meet their commitments which are in their control, rather  than blaming external factors.

Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Academic Performance


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